Monday, October 20, 2008

Round 2 Architecture in Motion

It had given a set of 5 images for doing the film. With the use of the images, I had to use my imagination to explore the transfer of architectural spaces and the transaction of scenes. I also needed to use 3 of the 10 words to describe my architectural spaces/ how I explored the space. Here's the word I chose:




One of my still drawings: I drew it from the basic image provided to us.

In process:
I have to use a model as a kit to help in my movie submitted. This is the model I made:

After that, I have to imagine how it is going and the spaces in between. I drew some of the stills and sketches as a developing process:

During the week, I handed-in the on processing work but it was not working well. The actual exploration was not done well. It was difficult to see the change of architectural spaces and the linking of the film. I talked and discussed with my tutors and they gave me some feedback for doing it better. Here's the 1st film I handed-in:

I understood my problem for my first submission. I made the design with more imagination and I tried to think how it linked together. I made another set of stills and this time it was much better than before:

Here's the final submission of my movie:

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