Monday, October 20, 2008

Round 3 Fluid Thoughts

It was similar to Architectural in Motion in sometimes. It was required to make some sequences and movement of architectural spaces. Through some methods like the use of overlapping and repeating, some special drawings came out as result.

At the beginning, I was asked to go to Opera House to draw the look of the House without the sky. I used the strategies of overlapping and repeating to do it. I rubbed out some of the heavy lines and added some soften lines to create the depths of the images. I was also needed to keep moving sometimes and add some extra drawing on top of the images. Here's my work:

On processing work:
I also needed to keep drawing the interior and exterior environment throughout the weeks. These drawings were drawn with the difference of tones and movement. I found that it helped to further develop my drawing skills and the imagination skills during this workshop. Here's the example of my drawing:

I was also needed to draw some images during the lesson. I drew the still image like Opera House. I also drew the landscape of the outside of the Red Centre. During the process, I was asked to choose 1 of the building and added on top of the drawing by the use of overlapping and repetition. It showed the movement of the architectural forms and sequence of drawing:

<--Image turned due to blogger problem. Sorry for that.

I was also asked to drawing an image from the others verbal communication. I followed the description and I drew it out:

Quote: " A narrow long space, you are standing in the middle of the space looking into a series of piercings in the wall, leading to smaller and smaller spaces. The main light source is coming from behind you, fading as it leads through the different piercings"

There was also a collaborative interior drawing by groups. Here's the w
orking of our group. The drawing collage was referring to the interior space of Red Centre.

Final submission:
A standing folio for the drawings throughout the course.

42 Drawings during the weeks:

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